Everywhere but Now
4th Biennial of Thessaloniki of Contemporary Art.
Curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg.
David Casini’s artwork presented in occasion of 4th Biennial of Thessaloniki of Contemporary Art starts from a reflection about the concept of historical museum exhibition.
The title of the installation is Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio (That moment in which this all has a place): eight works that are enclosed inside eight cases made by himself with glass and brass.
The objects inside the cases are organic and articial materials hanged up/sospended through brass structures, like geometrical images. The stone bases come from Tuscany (where the artist was born) and are made by a local craftman.
The concept is to realize a connection, through the concept of case, with the archeological museum and at the same time to create an antithetis between impressive marble statues/sculptures and artist’s small, light and fragile objects.
Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
September 18th 2013 – January 31st 2014
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, brass, glass, sea sponge, mineral stone, h62x36x36cm.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, brass, glass, coral, plexiglass, acrylic color, h45x27x27cm.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, brass, glass, sea sponge, acrylic color, mineral stone, h126x36x36cm.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki.
Momento in cui tutto questo ha uno spazio, 2013, brass, glass, coral, plexiglass, acrylic color, h161x30x30cm.